But seriously 😅 What exact video is this from?
can anyone identify this ring?
(ideally, a link to a page on the internet with photo and description).
But seriously 😅 What exact video is this from?
friday and saturday were for the most part pretty light, not too culty or doctinal, could easily suck in the unsuspecting.
there were a couple of hypocritical lines that i took note of however.
at one point the speaker said, "if your boss fires everyone who disagrees with him but promotes everyone who agrees with him, you might be tempted to agree with him just to keep your job.
Hold on for next year then . . .
my church will set you free.
our special for tonight, two for one adultery.
if you are in a sinful relationship but you got your eye on someone else, you can be forgiven for both for only $99.95.
Maybe they should offer a rewards program with a points system . . . Or the option to buy in bulk like Costco 😜
friday and saturday were for the most part pretty light, not too culty or doctinal, could easily suck in the unsuspecting.
there were a couple of hypocritical lines that i took note of however.
at one point the speaker said, "if your boss fires everyone who disagrees with him but promotes everyone who agrees with him, you might be tempted to agree with him just to keep your job.
It definitely had its culty moments, but overall I think that this convention had a noticeably more positive, light-hearted vibe to it. The most culty, scare mongering one of recent years still goes to the 2016 Remain Loyal convention as far as I see. Even the title was a demand for conformity. That convention also featured the bunker video, the one about giving up violin, denying 1975, etc. And the last talk had a really somber tone to it. Even last year's had some disturbing stuff. Although the drama was a light-hearted Fresh off the Boat knockoff, it came with a side of horror tropes, with that flashing vision of the lead actress being turned into salt.
if the watchtower speaks for jehovah, and jehovah' s witnesses must accept what the watchtower says, why has god changed his mind so many times about medical treatment?
here is the historical timeline:…/blood-policy-timeline.
Anyways thats a very handy timeline, putting it all in perspective, not as progressive revelations from God, but as the internal politics of a mixture of multiple deluded and/or business-minded men.
if the watchtower speaks for jehovah, and jehovah' s witnesses must accept what the watchtower says, why has god changed his mind so many times about medical treatment?
here is the historical timeline:…/blood-policy-timeline.
I made a working link, but every time I refresh the page it's dead again. Oh well, hopefully people know how to copy/paste.
if the watchtower speaks for jehovah, and jehovah' s witnesses must accept what the watchtower says, why has god changed his mind so many times about medical treatment?
here is the historical timeline:…/blood-policy-timeline.
we all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign.
no doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the governing body's views to the russian authorities.. what can't we all do the same to the governing body?.
with the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the society!
Hate to rain on your parade, but the GB doesn't "accept messages".
. . .
They're not going to be swayed by a few hundreds, or even thousands, of letters from ex-JWs.
It was the same with Russia. I don't think anyone seriously expected them to reverse their decisions against JWs, but it was done for publicity, to send a message to the public. That too would be the motivation behind any such endeavor by ex-JWs.
we all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign.
no doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the governing body's views to the russian authorities.. what can't we all do the same to the governing body?.
with the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the society!
friday and saturday were for the most part pretty light, not too culty or doctinal, could easily suck in the unsuspecting.
there were a couple of hypocritical lines that i took note of however.
at one point the speaker said, "if your boss fires everyone who disagrees with him but promotes everyone who agrees with him, you might be tempted to agree with him just to keep your job.
I think you know what I mean by bloodless hospital: A hospital that has equipment and staff that specializes in bloodless surgery and has frequent Witness clientele. As for the $150,000 I made a mistake: They already spent all their money going to the US and other places, and Phelicity's last wish was to go home, but that would require a very expressive med flight. That's what the $150,000 GoFundMe was for.